How to plotted a choropleth using correctly featureidkey ?
CODE: geoURL="" with urlopen(geoURL) as response: geoProvinces = json.load(response) df_new = ecuador.rename(columns={'Provinces': 'DPA_DESPRO'}) fig = px.choropleth_mapbox(df_new, geojson=geoProvinces, color=df_new['Confirmed deaths'], locations=df_new['DPA_DESPRO'], #featureidkey='properties.DPA_DESPRO', center={"lat": -2, "lon": -80}, mapbox_style="carto-positron", zoom=9 ) fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}) fig = px.choropleth_mapbox(df_new, geojson=geoProvinces, color=df_new['Confirmed deaths'], locations=df_new['DPA_DESPRO'], center={"lat": -2, "lon": -80}, mapbox_style="carto-positron", zoom=9 ) fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}) There is a missing parameter which is #featureidkey, I tried with featureidkey='properties.DPA_DESPRO' , but the choroplet maps is plotting the areas of each provinces and this gives me the followin error: TypeError: choropleth_mapbox() got an unexpected keyword argument 'featureidkey' I am folloing this link: Please help me.