Toggle at top of the page, to expand or collapse all headers -elegant solution?
Hi folks, was almost done implementing something much like this, but still very green, wondering if this is the best approach, or? http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ddaccordion_suppliment.htm A few more lead in this el goog search... https://www.google.com/search?q=a+toggle+to+collapse+or+expand+all+headers+on+a+website%3F Thank-you!
4 Answers
+ 1
I would say try this approach unless it limits what you are attempting to achieve.
as a long term subscriber and admirer of this comm, I was kinda hoping for a bit more dynamism than that, but thank you.
that post is actually very outdated, my latest one is here, I will update here asap, but must go to bed, for now.
man typing in this is horrid, sigh, thanks again.
Many people ask questions that are not very specific and they go unanswered.
I said i will fix asap, its not utterly unspecifc though with the latest referrence, but yeah, bulk missinng