+ 9

-Recommendations for the Newbies among us-

• Share with us your best web resources for learning codes • Which programming language should a beginner learn first? • Algorithms - what's that and do we need to learn it? is it relate to coding somehow? + More tips are more than welcome ;)

13th Mar 2017, 10:33 PM
Liat - avatar
5 Answers
+ 6
I'd highly recommend using a high-level programming language as your first language. Such as: Java, Python or maybe even c#. Python is probably considered the 'easiest' for beginners. There are many tutorials online, and as far as a good Python IDE goes, I'm not sure as I haven't learned Python. However, I know Netbeans, Eclipse, and Processing are fairly good for beginners with Java (eclipse and Netbeans Probably support Python too). Or go all out and try Unity! (Which only supports c# or javascript). Once you get into it, put your skills to the true test: https://projecteuler.net/archives *Always follow programming standards, and try to avoid getting into bad habbits Some standards: - Comment unclear code (by answering the question: what does this specifically do?) - Use meaningful names for variables/functions - Never change the value of a for loop inside the loop - Follow a naming standard for variables (commonlyNamedLikeThis, OR_LIKE_THIS_FOR_CONSTANTS).... - Do not compare booleans using == or != etc... *I recommend learning things in a similar order to this: (Start with the easy things), Or follow SoloLearns Course. - Absolute Basics - Syntax/Datatypes/Commenting - Operations (*, /, %...) - If Statements/Comparing - Nesting - Converting/Casting - Things with strings [concatenation, toString] - Constants/Global variables/(basic)Functions - Parameters - Loops - Return types (return functions) - Arrays -> sorting - OOP/Recursion/now whatever advanced stuff is offered
14th Mar 2017, 1:06 AM
Rrestoring faith
Rrestoring faith - avatar
+ 5
Thank you so much guys! what do you say about mozilla developer network for beginners? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ and codecademy- https://www.codecademy.com/
14th Mar 2017, 3:38 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 2
Resources: Internet is the free and unlimited resource.Sign up for a course or digree program if u r willing to learn in depth or looking for career in programming. SoloLearn also have good resources for bigineres. Start from : I would say to start from basic web HTML, JavaScript,CSS. To try these u only need a Web Browser and text editor(Notepad). They are very easy to learn and have good resources like https://www.w3schools.com/html/ U can do cool things using HTML and JavaScript such as creating sites, small games. It will keep ur interest and keep u going.Then u can try other technologies/languages(Java, C++, C# etc). Algorithm: "A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations". Tryout some sorting algorithms. It helps you to understand how we teach computer do stuff and we train our brain to think like a computer. At the end of the day programming is all about teaching/telling computers how to do stuff.
14th Mar 2017, 2:43 AM
Eranga - avatar
+ 2
There are many paid and free sites to learn coding. https://www.w3schools.com https://www.codecademy.com https://code.org https://www.khanacademy.org https://www.udemy.com https://www.udacity.com and many more. try any of them that sute you..
14th Mar 2017, 4:35 PM
Eranga - avatar
+ 2
The core languages for web dev are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Once you are familiar with those, there lots of more advanced frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, Bootsrtap etc. You also need to be familiar with back-end programming: servers, SQL etc. In addition to the resources cited above I highly recommend Derek Banas' Youtube channel. There you can find all the tutorials you need for web dev with a step-by-step explanation. Hope this helps. Cheers.
22nd Mar 2017, 6:13 AM
Andrey Galchevski
Andrey Galchevski - avatar