+ 3
See here ,
birthdaycardrh.site90.com my website, thanks sololearn.
5 Answers
+ 18
To whomever reading this post:
I just inspected the link for the site, and apparently it seems to be a simple birthday card generator. Nothing spammy or harmful. While we would usually report stuff like that, let's keep in mind that not everyone is savvy at making their posts descriptive.
Let's make SoloLearn a welcoming place for novices and beginners, instead of trying to report every less-appealing thread.
+ 27
Yes I think @Tashi has given a link to content criteria, so non moderator let's stop reporting everything and if you have to report please read that first.
As @Hatsy said let sololearn be a welcoming place for beginners.
+ 14
The card generator ain't bad either đ
+ 12
Yes, here it is again:
Report posts, answers, or comments that contradict SoloLearns guidelines
Report users who engage in suspicious activity.
Please report only posts which contradict these.
+ 3