+ 2

How do I get started making a basic game or website?

I'm young but I do want to make my own games and websites in the future. I know now how to make Link's and stuff but an actual game is difficult. Does anyone have any tips?

17th Mar 2017, 12:52 AM
The JohtoBro
The JohtoBro - avatar
3 Answers
+ 4
if you are new at all on programming, i strongly recommend learning Programming Logic. It will be the base for any language you try to learn. After that, the first thing for you, will be specifying what you specifically want. what kind of game do i plan to make? what graphics, 2d or 3d? for mobile, or for desktop? knowing what directions to take, makes everything easier. knowing the things you specifically want, you'll be able to know, what language to learn too, to make your purposes. But don't start exactly from what you want, try something easier, simpler, then keep growing it, getting informations, experience. It's a long road, but once you get your lead, you'll never get lost. I wish that was helpful for you, good luck!
17th Mar 2017, 1:05 AM
Welliton Malta
Welliton Malta - avatar
+ 2
First you need to learn the basics of programming. then look for some tutorials about game programming.
17th Mar 2017, 12:54 AM
xyz xyz
xyz xyz - avatar
+ 2
You are going to want to plan out a rough outline for you game on paper first. Then, if you know how to code what you have, code it. If not, watch some videos and read up on what you need to learn. Take it slow, and don't get hung up on perfecting a single piece of your game. Make a simple game at first, and move on from there by improving what you have. Build something that you can feel good about, even if no-one else ever sees it. It's best if you know or learn some scripting skills before trying to make the game, and writing down the code you wish to implement helps alot, however tedious it may be. Happy Coding!
17th Mar 2017, 1:35 AM
FastTrack Programming
FastTrack Programming - avatar