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How can i write something on the side of an image in html?
I used the <img> tag, but if i try to write something later it ends up below the image (with or without<figcaption>). I need to write stuff on the right side. Thanks already for the answer!
21 Answers
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<p><img style = “float:(left or right); width:(insert)px; height:(insert)px” > text </p>
Using the float value make it float to the right or the left of the text. Make sure to have the <p> tag. This website explains it better than me: w3schools.com/css/css_float.asp
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You should position the text with CSS using the "position" property.
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And what if in css it is declared by the container in display: flex; and flex-direction: row; to position it to the side:
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You can also put the title attribute that places the text inside an image:
<img src="url" alt="texto" title="texto for img"></img>
but it is not highly recommended because there is a browser that does not give them much importance and shows when the pointer is inside it
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you want to put it inside the image - this question should come first
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I recommend php and css watermark with a position solid and contend in a div con vw , No px only vw or vh too.
con css flex
@media screen
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else the animation css
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Use photo editor
+ 1
It is helpful to show your code bit. That way we can actually see what is going wrong.
+ 1
You can create a canvas and set your image as background and then render texts on it.
Do you need help? write your code in the massage service
and i help you,
yes, I know
make the adapted content
Thanks everybody for the help!
I'm just getting started learning html and i didn't approach yet other languages like css or php.
I guess that when i will start with those i will understand much more!
is with js=iframe border: 0px too css from javascript is better
You can nest the img tag into the paragraph element.
If you want the text before then put the text before the image.
<p><img src="https://apk-dl.com/detail/image/com.sololearn.htmltrial-w250.png">Hello</p>