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Tutorials for Numpy pandas and matplotlib

After running pip -m install Numpy and the others, I want to learn how to use them more at the moment I can't decide what to do with them Data science Machine learning Any way you could help me decide what to do

3rd Jan 2021, 5:05 PM
🥇👩‍💻 Kintu Michael Evans 🔥🔥( Active)
🥇👩‍💻 Kintu Michael Evans 🔥🔥( Active) - avatar
1 Answer
I just downloaded a csv-file with the data of the titanic-passangers (github) and then made some tables like % of survivors in first class compared to second and so on. To me it was great fun.
3rd Jan 2021, 7:29 PM
Fu Foy
Fu Foy - avatar