+ 2
Hi every one which is the best ofline compiler for java script.
Can you tell me please
9 Answers
+ 3
As Martin Taylor mentioned, js is not a compiled language, so you was probably looking for code editors.
I personally prefer to using brackets when working with web, because of their awesome live preview feature.
Sometimes, when it is mostly js, and not that much css and html i use visual studio code.
Also i've heard that webstorm is a good IDE, but never actually used it.
It is a taste thing, so you need to decide yourself which one works better for you.
UPD: If you meant js editors for android then sorry, don't know much about them, im using only sololearn code editor, it is pretty decent for a mobile platform, and you have everything in the same place here too.
+ 2
Can i make an apk with js in my android phone
+ 2
Dave as Martin Taylor mentioned point by point.
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Martin Taylor, thanks for mentioning, looks like i've mixed up those terms
How does one use the ms visual studio??