4 Answers
+ 3
To make files, you only need an editor. IDEs come with built-in editor and on command line, there are many editors you can install. What I want to say is, all ypu need to make files is a software that can read and write files. As for running a Python program, for practical purposes, you will need an IDE or a terminal/command line. You can't run a progam without that. Most text editors, with a little bit of configuring allow you to run files too.
+ 3
You need an IDE or an editor for writing python codes. Text editor can be GUI or CLI. But without text editor 😅 It's not possible man. All the best!
+ 2
Python programs are essentially just collections of text files, so you could use CLI text editor like Vim and run the program through command line. Takes some getting used to, but certainly viable according to many power users.