كيف يمكنني استخدام Visual studio وواجهة التصميم لبناء برامج الكمبيوتر من خلال بايثون بسهولة ؟
كيف يمكنني استخدام Visual studio وواجهة التصميم لبناء برامج الكمبيوتر من خلال بايثون بسهولة ؟
9 Answers
مشروع BeBot Python
هو مشروع يهدف إلى توفير وسيلة سهلة وفعالة تمكن مبرمجي لغة بايثون من بناء الواجهات الرسومية بسهولة ، من خلال الاستفادة من خصائص
Visual studio
لصالح بايثون.
الشرح المفصل:
+ 1
Thank you very much ... I appreciate your suggestion, but I asked a question that I know the answer to so that people who are perfecting my language can know the answer. Atul
Please try to use English language to ask your questions.
Yes, but it's better to ask in English so that everyone can understand as it's a global language. Hope you understand
Sure, I get it, I'm going to create another question in English but not now because I haven't prepared well for that.
The site is interesting, I guess you will like it
On how to combine C # and Python in one project and use Visual Studio and C # as an interface and in the background Python 3 works
Through the BeBot Python project that I'm working on
It is a project that aims to provide an easy and effective way that enables Python programmers to build graphical interfaces easily, by taking advantage of the features of Visual studio and C # for Python.
Go ,ahead
الله يسامحك ، وهيك بكون حدى احسن منك
Osama Deep