+ 5
I have a problem, when it comes to learn I'm ok but programming for real situations still a problem. Some help ?
some suggestions
11 Answers
+ 5
"The only way to learn a language is to write programs in it"- The C Programming Language (Dennis Ritchie)
When we begin to learn a new language, we often blindly read page after page of theory and syntax, never bothering to put what we learnt into use. Instead try to write programs using any newly learnt construct of the language immediately after learning it .
+ 8
Everyone has this problem. Try, Try, Try till you don't succeed!
+ 6
stop learning for awhile..start practicing more.. see example programs and you try to write the same on your own..and then apply your logical thinking to make new programs by yourself..
+ 3
thanks a lot for answers, really it's very helpful
+ 3
dear luka !
in your opinion, how it's a good plan?
+ 2
don't under estimate your power you can do any thing so please motivate your self
+ 1
Never give up!
+ 1
plan is good but you need also to motivate your self. when your plan fail try harder code harder.
+ 1
dont think you cannot do please try until you reach your goal