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Course’s projects missing - cannot reach 100%
Hey! Does anybody have the issue that a course shows 100% completed when selected but on the other hand unfinished in the my courses page? In my case it’s the JavaScript course that’s somehow missing the projects (blue progress bar). Maybe it’s important to add that I already had finished the lessons before projects were introduced.. But for any other course in SoloLearn everything has been updated without issues. Any ideas how to solve this without resetting the course’s progress?
3 Answers
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To become 100% learner you have to complete all official available courses on sololearn as well as you have to finish their projects too.
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Well, I actually wasn’t asking for how to become a 100% learner..
My problem is, that for one particular course (JS only) its progress is shown differently depending on the view that’s indicating it:
Within the course all lessons are completed but end of module projects are not available or visible to me - courses overview however shows that something is missing because of the projects that weren’t completed.
This might also be a bug in the iOS app.
Quick update: The issue has been solved in app version 4.4.0 (iOS). Module projects for JS are now visible and the course can be completed 🙂