+ 1
Hm... How do I make a subpage?
It's been 1 year since I studied HTML, CSS, and JS. Now, I'm able to create homepages and create pages with JS. However, I have a question. I noticed that most of the websites (SoloLearn, Duolingo, etc.) has a homepage and a subpage. I refer to "subpages" as a site that has a slash next to the domain name. (For example, sololearn.com/Discuss *there is a slash and a word "discuss" next to it*) Well, I still think JavaScript is hard. Adding subpages to my webpage will make it easier. But, I have no idea HOW to make a subpage. Can someone explain?
1 Answer
+ 4
basic subpages are just html files linked to other pages through its url (made with domain name + slash + path to file), and so usually ends with '.html'...
to have subpages without file extension, you should serve file through a web framework ;)