Guys I have a task in java programming I need your help
Q 1. Write java code for a class called StackOfPalindromes, which is used to check an array of words, determine the palindromes among these words, and save the palindromes in a stack. The class contains: 1-A String array named words for the words to be checked. 2-An integer data field named size for the stackâs size. 3-An integer constant DEFAULT_CAPACITY for the stackâs default capacity, which is 5. 4A no-arg constructor that invokes an arg-constructor, which creates a stack with the specified capacity. 5A method named push() that takes a word, filters it from any non-alphabetic characters (i.e. remove numbers and other symbols), checks if it is a palindrome, and pushes it to the stack only if its palindrome. 6A method named pop() that returns the word on top of the stack and removes it from the stack. Q 2. Draw the UML diagram for the class StackOfPalindrmes. Q 3. Write a test class: TestStackOfPalindromes that: Create a StackOfPalindromes object using the classâs no-arg constructor. Use this object to push