How to be efficient and save time + energy when working with multiple html pages (dealing with Nav and Footers).
+ index.html + A.html + B.html + FOLDER A + ok.html + no.html So, when I'm working with _navs and footers i usually just focus on the index.html, once the nav and footer looks good, then I'm ready to put them(nav, & footer) on all the other pages. Let's do just the footer for this example. â I copy the footer content from index.html. Paste in A.html and B.html. And on other pages if I I need to. If this was just a one time thing, it probably wouldn't hurt to just take my approach (copy and paste on each page). But I sometimes find myself wanting to change things on the footer content (for example). Maybe I just realized I got a spelling wrong, or I want to add a new link in the footer: well, that means i need to do (change) the same thing on all the pages that I have the footer on. ^^ I'm wondering if there's a better approach to this. Would using JavaScript be a good idea (create the elements in js, then just put _script src = "footer.js"_ on the pages u want z footer.)? Let me know what you guys think about this.