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Private methods in javascript.

How do I create private methods in javascript classes?

21st Mar 2021, 6:09 AM
Martin N. Thuo
Martin  N.  Thuo - avatar
6 Answers
+ 2
with an IIFE (immediatly invoked function execution): var MyClass = (function() { function private() { alert('only code in this IIFE can access this private function'); alert('from private, this = '+JSON.stringify(this,null,' ')); } return class MyClass { constructor(props) { Object.assign(this,props); } public() { alert('public method'); private.call(this); } }; })(); that define a private function accessible only from code inside the IIFE where it is defined... to use it as an object method, call it by binding 'this' to it (see Function methods bind, call, and/or apply) https://medium.com/@jhawleypeters/javascript-call-vs-apply-vs-bind-61447bc5e989 https://www.codementor.io/@niladrisekhardutta/how-to-call-apply-and-bind-in-javascript-8i1jca6jp
21st Mar 2021, 6:41 AM
visph - avatar
21st Mar 2021, 6:37 AM
Ananiya Jemberu
Ananiya Jemberu - avatar
+ 1
You could use closure to set private fields and methods. Here an example var calnums = function() { // private method var getprivatenum = function () { // secret business logic here to get 100 ... return 100; } // privte field var num = getprivatenum(); // init num return { // public method add: function(n) { // add input with private num num += n; }, // public method sum: function() { // return private num return num; } } } try { var inputnums = calnums(); inputnums.add(2); // add with privatenum inputnums.add(3); inputnums.add(6); inputnums.add(4); inputnums.add(5); var sum = inputnums.sum(); console.log(sum); // get 120 var inputnums1 = calnums(); inputnums1.getprivatenum(); } catch (err) { // error: can't access private method console.log(err.message); } https://code.sololearn.com/chN993zel4NN/?ref=app
21st Mar 2021, 7:15 AM
CalviŐ˛ - avatar
+ 1
I only noticed that OP mentions private method in class now. Class properties are public by default and can be examined or modified outside the class. There is however a stage 3 proposal to allow defining private class fields using a hash # prefix. More information https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes/Private_class_fields I tried to convert my previous example to class here, please check it out. class CallNum { // privte field #num = 0; // init num constructor() { // console.log("init"); this.#num = this.#getPrivateNum() } // private method #getPrivateNum() { // secret business logic here to get 100 ... return 100; } // public method add(n) { // add input with private num this.#num += n; } // public method sum() { // return private num return this.#num; } } full code: (webview and 74) https://code.sololearn.com/We9U8jxXR40H/?ref=app
21st Mar 2021, 8:19 AM
CalviŐ˛ - avatar
Mirielle[ Exams ] you're right about strictly private methods: they are still mostly not supported... however, under the hood, private methods (when supported) are only a way of binding a function with 'this', by hidding the bind/call/apply stuff ^^
21st Mar 2021, 8:27 AM
visph - avatar