I am trying to build a game using C++ and SFML. How should I approach to it ?

What should I keep in mind while developing a game ? Which topic should I learn first ?

21st Mar 2021, 7:45 PM
AzmayenSabil - avatar
7 Answers
+ 1
AzmayenSabil First off, you have to learn basics of SFML, such as sprites/textures/shapes/events etc.. For these basics I suggest you watch Sonar systems playlist/or official SFML documentation. After you get these basics, jump to another playlist(try searching "games with SFML" and pick up one. That's what I'm planning to do too
22nd Mar 2021, 10:31 AM
Maher Al Dayekh
Maher Al Dayekh - avatar
+ 2
Martin Taylor I would say SFML is an intro to graphics(by far the easiest one), you can't make 'real' games with it. Once you get good in SFML, you will be moving to OpenGL, and maybe later unreal engine
22nd Mar 2021, 6:09 AM
Maher Al Dayekh
Maher Al Dayekh - avatar
Can you explain more please?
21st Mar 2021, 10:04 PM
Maher Al Dayekh
Maher Al Dayekh - avatar
Maher Al dayekh , I already completed C/C++ and java . It's more like I didn't learn it from soloLearn and that's why I didn't complete it here ... I am playing with some game projects from YouTube for the last few weeks. and I saw few terms and logics that I don't understand them yet...that's why I'm asking which topic should j cover first . Let's assume I'm comfortable with C++ ...now to develop a game what comes next after C++ ... For example there is game loop , there are action listener , event listener etc etc..is there any specific way to learn these things ?
22nd Mar 2021, 10:04 AM
AzmayenSabil - avatar
Do you guys have any video playlist or article that I should give a watch ? I want to clear out my basic first about what I'm dealing with as this is my first time attempting to game Dev
22nd Mar 2021, 10:06 AM
AzmayenSabil - avatar
Thanks man really appreciate the help ❀
22nd Mar 2021, 10:41 AM
AzmayenSabil - avatar