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Two C++ Questions
Question 1: In a challenge, it says ## can also be used as a preprocessor other than just #. But I do ##include <iostream> and I get an error. Can someone explain it? Question 2: Can someone explain this C++ code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void foo(int x) try{ int y=2; throw 1; } catch(int e) { cout << e << endl << x << endl; //how can it access x but not y? //cout << y << endl; //doesn't work? } int main() { foo(3); return 0; }
4 Answers
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1. It is really also used by preporcessor, but has different role: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/preprocessor/token-pasting-operator-hash-hash?view=msvc-160 , https://www.cprogramming.com/reference/preprocessor/token-pasting-operator.html
2. It is because the code after `try` block and the code after the `catch (int)` are in different blocks and thus are using their own namespace (block of a code inside which the names are accessible and outside which are not (unless some spacial command like calling a function and passing variable values or addresses as arguments)) which is initially the same as the namespace of the parent block. You can try how it is actually working: declare and initialize a variable, then do something with it; now place the variable declaring and initializing into braces; now remove that braces and place them around the code which uses this variable.
3. Please, ask one question (or several hardly related to each other questions) per question.
+ 4
Thanks Martin Taylor. I didnât know about token pasting operator, thanks. Thanks get