I need someone to help me complete this game , I've just promised to my young brother that i would make a game for him :(((((
Straight to the problem, i've written a game that has a lot of birds flying from left to right screen and whenever i press the mouse , the birds should be failed down . Fortunately , it works , however , there is only 1 bird , but i want it to be a lot of bird , with random speed and amout to appear :v , the Code : Bird[] thebird = new Bird[20]; void setup(){ size ( 700,700 ); for ( int i =0; i < thebird.length ; i++){ thebird[i] = new Bird(); } frameRate(30); smooth(); } void draw(){ background(255); for ( int i = 0 ; i < thebird.length ; i++){ thebird[i].move(); thebird[i].display(); } if ( speeda==0) b = b + speedb; } float a; float b; float speeda; int speedb; class Bird { Bird(){ a= 20; b= random(100,600); speeda=0.5; speedb=5; } void display(){ fill(0); ellipse(a,b,50,50); fill(255); ellipse(a-8,b-4,10,10); ellipse(a+8,b-4,10,10); ellipse(a,b+8,20,5); } void move(){ a += speeda; if ( a > width+30) a=-30; } } void mousePressed(){ if ( mouseX >=a && mouseX <= a + 25 || mouseX <= a && mouseX>= a-25){ if ( mouseY >=b && mouseY <= b+25 || mouseY <= b && mouseY >= b -25){ speeda=0; } } }