Php dont work

I started studying php and write code in a notebook (maybe that's the problem If the problem in the notebook advise me please where to write, I will be very grateful)save the programm in Html format. I open the site but He doesn't read php commands like "echo"

8th Apr 2021, 3:38 PM
mips - avatar
8 Answers
+ 3
VELDY Install server Xampp -windows Lampp- linux Wampp- windows Then save Your project In htdocs or www folder according to operating system and then save file in .php extension to run on browser Localhost/projectname/index.php
23rd Apr 2021, 3:39 AM
Gaurav Dixit🇮🇳
Gaurav Dixit🇮🇳 - avatar
+ 1
Qasem Thank you so much, you really helped me.
8th Apr 2021, 4:11 PM
mips - avatar
You must save your file with .php format.
8th Apr 2021, 3:59 PM
Qasem Do I need to install a php on the pc?
8th Apr 2021, 4:06 PM
mips - avatar
Use a good IDE for example “visual studio code” or “netbeans” . Also you need a local server , install xammp.
9th Nov 2021, 3:53 PM
eltaf kazemi
eltaf kazemi - avatar
you need to install local server such as xampp, and then save your code in htdocs with .php format ro run on your browser
21st Dec 2021, 1:31 PM
Nisa Agustina
Install xamp server Add your files in the xamp folder Run the server Open your browser Enter Reminder use .php extension on your files
1st Mar 2024, 10:24 AM
Tinotenda Mugadza
Tinotenda Mugadza - avatar