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How do I make a password generator in python
Heeeellllllppppppp mmmmmeeeee
6 Answers
+ 2
Codemurai If you don't know then you should search for what you don't know
In this case you don't know the keyword shuffle, u better research it
generally this process is called learning
+ 3
SoloLearn is not a place to get other people to write code for you. It's a place where you learn to do it yourself. Then you can ask questions about problems you are experiencing along the way.
You want a password generator? Great. Figure out exactly what you want it to do, then start building a program to do just that. Don't ask us to write it for you.
+ 2
Coooooodddddeeeeee iiiiiiittttttt
Most straight forward way;
1) create a string variable
2) creat a loop with the length of ur password
3) inside the loop add a random char to your string variable
4) print or do anything with your string variable (which is ur random generated password)🙌
Man I don't know how to shuffle the list and how to produce them just give me an idea of how to output the things
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Man,help me to do