+ 1
Pull the Trigger - python core pro
You are making a game! The player tries to shoot an object and can hit or miss it. The player starts with 100 points, with a hit adding 10 points to the player’s score, and a miss deducting 20 points. Your program needs to take 4 action results as input ("hit" or "miss"), calculate and output the player’s remaining points. Sample Input hit hit miss hit Sample Output 110 Explanation: 3 hits add 30 points, one miss deducts 20, making the total points equal to 110. My input : points = 100 def program(hit,miss,self): hit.self=hit miss.self=miss hit=10 miss=20 hike =input() print(hike)
6 Answers
+ 1
Oh I didn't knew Slick
it says it takes 4 action results as input.
You could make a list of the input and loop through it. if hit, then add 10, else if miss, then subtract 20. Then print the result
Michael posting straight code helps no one and you didnt even attempt to explain. Tighten up
I don't have time for this, please don't comment again Slick thank you
Im not speaking with you, so i don't really care. You don't have time, but you have enough to post that? Drop that attitude.
You can unfollow, delete, or whatever to this post. So thats on you, hun. I happily have time to comment. So don't test me ;)
Hey Sister Veena
Kindly pls
Contact me at
I want some guidance from you 😅