+ 5
How do we reverse a number? How do we check if a number is a palindrome?
13 Answers
+ 3
U can do this:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num;
cin >> num;
string str = to_string(num);
reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
int reversed = stoi(str);
cout<< boolalpha
<< (reversed == num);
return 0;
+ 3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n , num, digit, rev=0;
cout << " Please Enter a number " << endl;
cout<<" The reverse of a number is "<<rev<<endl;
cout<<" The number is Palindromic"<<endl;
cout<<" The number is not a Palindromic"<<endl;
return 0;
+ 2
Use a while or a do while loop
Take off the remainders from that number and check whether it is matching with the original number or not
+ 2
+ 2
There are at least two variants to reverse a number:
1. Iterate through the digits of a number:
// suppose we have the initial number as variable x of some integer type
auto a = x, y = x / x - 1; // to do them the same type
for (int i = a % 10; a; a /= 10, i = a % 10)
y = y * 10 + i;
To know if the number is palindromic, use `x == y`.
2. Make it a string and reverse it:
// the same x variable is used
#include <string> // if <iostream> is already included, there is no need in this line
string a = to_string(x), y = "";
for (auto chr = a.crbegin(); chr != a.crend(); chr++)
To know if the number is palindromic, use `a == y`.
+ 2
Tapabrata Banerjee better if you had provided the explanation only . Because it may or may not be helpful to the learner. Next time be careful on this matter
+ 1
Yes but this approach will be better. If you first give some hint and then also if the learner is unable to solve then provide the code with comments in it