Please help; how to import pyttsx3, speech recognition, pyaudio? ; please help
Code - import webbrowser import pyttsx3 as ps import pyaudio as pr import speech_recognition as sr engine = ps.init() r = sr.Recognizer() r.energy_threshold = 400 rate = engine.getProperty('rate') volume = engine.getProperty('volume') engine.setProperty('voices', 3.0) engine.setProperty('rate', 115) with sr.Microphone() as source: try: print("Listening") audio = r.listen(source) data = r.recognize_google(audio) voicedata = data except: engine.say("Voice Error fourzerosix, try restarting the app") print("Voice Error 406, Try restarting the app") engine.runAndWait() print(voicedata) if voicedata == "open Google": engine.say("opening google") engine.runAndWait()'') if voicedata == "open YouTube": engine.say("opening youtube") engine.runAndWait()'') if voicedata == "open"or"open yahoo": engine.say("opening") engine.runAndWait() webbrow