How do I approach this?
The palindromic number 595 is interesting because it can be written as the sum of consecutive squares: 6^2 + 7^2 + 8^2 + 9^2 + 10^2 + 11^2 + 12^2. There are exactly eleven palindromes below one thousand that can be written as consecutive square sums. Note that 1 = 02 + 12 has not been included as this problem is concerned with the squares of positive integers. Write a Java program to produce an array of all positive palindromic numbers smaller than 1000. In this project, besides the main method, you should create the following methods: 1. A Boolean method "isPalindromic" will return True when the input integer is palindromic and False otherwise. 2. A method "display" to print the elements of the palindromic array. 3. A method "sumOfSquares" with two integer input arguments i and j, and returns the sum of squares of integers between i and j (including both).