Questions about reinstalling Python
Me and Python have a colourful history, with the PIP becoming completely broken after an upgrade, and a reinstall not fixing it. This is one of the reasons why C++ is superior in every way. I want to reinstall it, but I have some questions: I added Python to my path when I first installed it, is it still there after I uninstalled it? I read that using Windows uninstaller doesn't completely get rid of it as it's still in the environment variables (which explaines why it kept the error even after reinstalling) Is Python 3.9 worth it? Tensorflow didn't work with Python 3.7, I would hate for my favourite modules to not work. Is Python 3.9 compatible with Thonny? After I unistalled it, are there still traces of cache from python on my computer? Does Windows unistaller actually get rid of it completely.