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<span class="error_line" onclick="ide.gotoLine('main.f95',2)">main.f95:2</span>.4: use msimsl 1 Fatal Error: Can't open modu

use msimsl use PORTLIB integer n(1),k,l,x,y,s1,s2 integer,allocatable :: M1(:),M2(:) Double precision p,p1,p2 write (*,*) 'Enter (x,y)' read (*,*) x,y open(unit=1,file='result.txt') l=0 k=0 do 1 I=1,10000000 s1=0 s2=0 n=0 call RNPOI(1,16.0,n) if(n(1).eq.0) then k=k+1 goto 1 endif allocate (M1(n(1)),M2(n(1))) call RNBIN(n(1),2,0.25,M1) call RNBIN(n(1),2,0.5,M2) do 2 j=1,n(1) s1=s1+M1(j) 2 s2=s2+M2(j) if (s1.EQ.x.and.s2.LE.y) l=l+1 if (s1.LT.x.and.s2.eq.y) l=l+1 if (s1.LT.x.and.s2.LT.y) k=k+1 DEALLOCATE (M1,M2) 1 continue p1=real(k)/10000000.0d0 p2=(real(k)+real(l))/10000000.0d0 p=(real(k)+0.5*real(l))/10000000.0d0 write (1,*) ' The true LESS p-value =',p1 write (1,*) ' The true Mid-p-value =',p write (1,*) ' The true p-value =',p2 close(unit=1) stop end

2nd May 2021, 5:12 PM
Refai Mebarek
Refai Mebarek - avatar
1 Answer
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14th Jun 2021, 4:45 PM
MikkyTech - avatar