+ 1
Hey please someone tell me how to avoid float input in this code fruit = int(input()) apple=fruit/2 print(apple//3)
14 Answers
+ 6
Input () always return string. You can round the value if needed.
But why you want to divide fruit and return is apple? I mean imagine you input 4 grapes and then expect 2 apples by dividing the grape?! This sounds like a great conceptual fruit salad
+ 2
Please can you give an example.... If any float is given as input then you want to raise an error or something else?
+ 1
Vishal Tiwari __floordiv__ (the magic method that works behind the operator // ) returns an integer.
You can have a look at this one
fruit = int(input())
+ 1
Ya I know that it returns only the quotient
+ 1
Thanks for the help
+ 1
Vishal Tiwari sorry I was wrong. If either the dividend or the divisor is a float, then __floordiv__ will also return a float.
+ 1
Because the challenge said that half of the input is apple and other half are grapes
Expected output=0
Real output=0.0
I want only 0
Thanks it worked
And leave the remainder as it is and does not show it
No you were right
You can't enter float in int(input()) code