How do you make games with Python?

26th Jul 2016, 8:52 PM
3 Answers
one way is to use pygame. pygame is a python module that you can use to make simple 2D games
26th Jul 2016, 10:42 PM
Munanga Munsaka
Munanga Munsaka - avatar
You can but your games will be really limited, simple arcade games are all you can make with pygame.
28th Jul 2016, 12:32 AM
ebinz - avatar
starting simple and building up from their is the way to go. By the look of this course, once you've got as far in this course as object oriented programming you'll be pretty much set to make a text adventure, using objects to define what items are and what attributes the player(s) has/have, files for saving players progress and for separating the layout of the game world from the nuts and bolts of how the game works. Using functions/classes to split up the overall task of making a game into smaller easier to solve challenges - for example write a function that takes care of moving the player and then you never have to think about this again until you decide that you want to change some detail of how they move. Once you've got a text based adventure you could convert it to an RPG with a top down look, by learning about GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces - any way that a human interacts with programs through nice graphics/pictures such as icons, buttons on websites/apps. HTML, CSS, and Django are useful for web, I think there's kivy or something like that for apps) and also learning Graphic design (making graphics - Photoshop and other powerful photo/image editing tools are useful there).
29th Jul 2016, 12:58 AM
Phil - avatar