What's the equivalent of "node" in c? It says "unknown type name 'node'"
struct node { int x; node *next; }; int main() { node *root; // This won't change, or we would lose the list in memory node *conductor; // This will point to each node as it traverses the list root = new node; // Sets it to actually point to something root->next = 0; // Otherwise it would not work well root->x = 12; conductor = root; // The conductor points to the first node if ( conductor != 0 ) { while ( conductor->next != 0) conductor = conductor->next; } conductor->next = new node; // Creates a node at the end of the list conductor = conductor->next; // Points to that node conductor->next = 0; // Prevents it from going any further conductor->x = 42;}
1 Answer
+ 2
I copied your text code into Code Playground and gave it a test run. But I didn't get such an error message or warning. Is that your complete code?
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