Machine learning
Hi there, i need a help in building a mode in ml using python. Mostly to figure out what features to select and what to target.
4 Answers
What's your cause ?
Is it a regression or classification problem ?
Have you chosen the target and features ?
What Model are you going to use ?
You should answer all of these questions in order to build successfully an model with python.
And you need the help of scikit-learn of tensorflow modules as well 😁
Its a data about crypto currency.
It comes under regression.
Im stuck on choosing features and and target is mentioned as maket capitalization.
M thinking about liner regression model. Ervis Meta
In this link you'll find a short data about bitcoin price in USA (you can download it) :
It is in csv format and can be easly opened with pandas.
Look at it and try to predict the coming high and low price based on previous prices and the years.
Use about 70% of data for training and the other for testing.
I have data sheet it has around 40 columns this is where i need help to understand which features are good to build a successful model and target is market shares now that is what i have to predict 😓. It will be a basic model so m not worrying about that part just the features. Ervis Meta