+ 2

How to configure apache to use php on Android using termux?

I can't install libapache2-mod-php on termux , i am not sure what it is but i believe it is the php module use to configure apache . I have installed apache and php successfully but no idea how to configure apache to use php so it actually process the php file instead of showing the php code.

16th Jun 2021, 10:13 PM
Abhay - avatar
2 Answers
+ 4
For what its worth, I cannot install that package either, says its not found, I ran "pkg install php" then checked the version, "php -v"... it appears to have installed correctly, these are the steps I took: 1. apt-get install apache2 2. systemctl start apache2 (try "apachectl" if above fails) 3. go to in browser or curl ("It works!") 4. go to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/apache2/default-site/htdocs (index.html is here) 5. create php file, mine is called "test.php" test.php <html>  <head>   <title>PHP Test</title>  </head>  <body>  <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>   </body> </html> 6. go to ("Hello World") 7. profit Screenshot: https://ibb.co/KctHYL5
16th Jun 2021, 11:33 PM
Steven M
Steven M - avatar
+ 1
Steven M thank you , but as i said it still outputs php code only instead of the actual output . Using html template i see those php code encoded into different characters , "     Â     Hello World '; ?>   " But i just want the "Hello World" . I have gone through various articles and they say to configure the apache with module phpmodule.so( so it can process php code) but i can't get it to install on termux( in the usr/libexec/apache2/ folder) with the help of command i talked above . Only if i could install the lampp on termux , i wudn't have to worry about doing these things manually !
17th Jun 2021, 9:13 AM
Abhay - avatar