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What is the roadmap for Data-Science???

29th Jun 2021, 7:12 PM
Ketan Sawant
2 Answers
+ 1
https://www.upgrad.com/data-science-pgd-iiitb/?utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=SEARCH&utm_campaign=DV_DA_PGD_GOOGLE_SEARCH_HighIntent_IND_All_BMM&utm_content=Data_Science_courses&utm_term=data%20science&gclid=CjwKCAjwieuGBhAsEiwA1Ly_nffHBE3d9fK6IxO0XlbO99MbhnIicooWpf81TVdYhFPVciXcmRrX-hoC-iYQAvD_BwE Hope it will help you, course from upgrad, Q) Use Google?? 😉 for more info?? If you don't know what is google?? - Google Inc. was officially launched in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to market Google Search, which has become the most used web-based search engine. 
30th Jun 2021, 2:11 AM
Abhiyantā - avatar
Start with learning to use search engines. That will not only be very helpful on its own, it will make finding out what to do next very, very easy.
29th Jun 2021, 9:38 PM
Simon Sauter
Simon Sauter - avatar