URGENT: I am making a mad libs game with python and am having a problem.

URGENT: I am making a mad libs game with python and am having a problem. When I run the code it is supposed to show me the things I need to answer such as the names, places, adjectives before It shows the story but it won't show me any of those. Btw I am using the python app to write this code. (I am not using the code playground on solo learn) Here is the code: name_1= input("enter a name:") place_1 = input("enter a place:") adjective_2 = input("enter an adjective:") place_3 = input("enter same place:") pluralNoun_3 = input("enter a plural noun:") adjective_3 = input("enter an adjective:") pluralNoun_35 = input("enter another plural noun:") actionVerb_4 = input("enter an action verb:") pluralNoun_4 = input("enter a plural noun:") foodItem_5 = input("enter a food item:") foodItem_55 = input("enter another food item:") actionVerb_6 = input("enter an action verb:") gameSport_6 = input("enter a game/sport:") adjective_7 = input("enter an adjective:") adjective_8 = input("enter another adjective:") print("Here is the story you created:") print("Last summer my parents took me and " + name_1 + "on a trip to " + place_1 + ".") print("The weather there is very " + adjective_2 + "!!!") print("Northern " + place_3 + " has many " + pluralNoun_3 + " , and they make " + adjective_3 + pluralNoun_35 + " there.") print("Many people also go "+ actionVerb_4 +" or see the " + pluralNoun_4 + " there.") print("The people that live there love to eat " + foodItem_5 + " with "+ foodItem_55 +".") print("They also like to " + actionVerb_6 + " in the sun and play " + gameSport_6) print("The people there were very " + adjective_7 + ".") print("It was a " + adjective_8 + " trip.") print("The End") Can someone help me ASAP Thanks

29th Jul 2021, 7:42 AM
1 Answer
Yeah your code seem to be correct which ide or plateform you using amd if mention your error also what problem you facing so that community can help you better.
29th Jul 2021, 11:00 AM
A S Raghuvanshi
A S Raghuvanshi - avatar