Practical project, test case # 1 marked correct but test case #2 is wrong why? Please
Practical project, test case # 1 marked correct but test case #2 is wrong why? Please
5 Answers
+ 3
Emmanuel Ackah ,
if you really have a problem, we need some more details from you:
âŞď¸give a clear and complete description about your task
âŞď¸if your question is related to an exercise in a tutorial, please mention the tutorial name and the lesson number
âŞď¸if there are error messages please post them here
âŞď¸give at least one sample with input data and the expected output
âŞď¸to be able to find out the issues you have, we need to see your code
   => please put your code in playground, save it there and post a link to it here.
thanks for your understanding!
+ 1
Emmanuel Ackah
Is this the Water Consumption challenge?
If you attach your code, we can see what the problem is and directly help
Because your code is not suitable for all situations. Satisfied only a few cases. Consider all the situations where you try to improve your code
No the Water Consumption, is the parking fees
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var hours = readLine()!!.toInt()
var total: Double = 0.0
var ans: Double = 5+(13*0.5)