Can someone tell me what wrong with this code.
Chef has an array consisting of N+Kâ1N+Kâ1 integers. The array contains only the first NN positive odd numbers. Each number appears exactly once, except for one number which appears exactly KK times. The sum of integers in Chef's array is equal to SS. For example, for N=3N=3, K=2K=2, the possible arrays could be [1,1,3,5][1,1,3,5], [3,1,3,5][3,1,3,5], [5,3,5,1][5,3,5,1]. For N=1N=1, K=3K=3, there is only one possible array: [1,1,1][1,1,1]. Chef gives you three integers NN, KK and SS and asks you to find the only element which appears KK times in his array. It is guaranteed that for the given input, there exists a valid array consisting of N+Kâ1N+Kâ1 elements with a sum exactly equal to S . Output Format For each test case, print a single line containing the integer which repeated k times.