Traverse and Repeat Alphabets Sequence until "N"
Hi!! What I mean with the title is like this, I have 2 problem: FIRST: there are 26 alphabets from a to z and given a value of "N" to traverse and print the list of alphabet. For example: 1) N = 26, output will be from a to z because z is the 26th alphabet 2) N = 5, output will be from a to e because e is the 5th alphabet 3) N = 30, output will start from a to z and then will continue print from a and then to d, because this d is known as the 30th alphabet So if N is over 26, it will continue print from the first alphabet, which is a and keep continue until it reaches the N th alphabet SECOND: Let's just say our code stop at D and when we want to use the code again, it will start where we left off which is D and our code will just print E until the N th alphabet Here's my code link: And here's what I mean for second problem: My solution on first problem imo is not efficient enough and I still don't know the solution for second problem. So could you help me on solving this or giving tips? Any help is appreciated. THX!!!!