+ 5
Can we use same cookie in two different pages ?
4 Answers
+ 20
OK, well, seeing that nobody is answering, this is a link that may be useful.
+ 17
I don't know, but this interests me. 🍪
Let's await a good input on this question.
+ 11
@Jibin Sebastian
In the same domain?
Different domains?
Need more info to help you?
Setting new cookie
setcookie("name","value",time()+$int,"/", "Sololearn.com");
/*name is your cookie's name
value is cookie's value
$int is time of cookie expires
"/" is the path of cookie
Sololearn.com is domain of cookie */
Getting Cookie
echo $_COOKIE["your cookie name"];
Updating Cookie
echo $_COOKIE["color"];
/*color is red*/
/* your codes and functions*/
echo $_COOKIE["color"];
/*new color is blue*/
Deleting Cookie
/*it expired so it's deleted*/
+ 2
following I'd like that answer as well