+ 5
What is the difference between <dd>, <dl> and <dt> in html???
When I see in the challenges all the above three tags are used with table description. But I don't see them in any tutorial how they used. So please Can anyone tell me how we use them and why we use them.
4 Answers
+ 9
here, read up on this https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_dd.asp#:~:text=Definition%20and%20Usage,%2C%20links%2C%20lists%2C%20etc.
+ 3
Rishi I wasn't said see in tutorial but in real project I don't see how they use but now the ᠌᠌Brains[Abidemi] answer is really answered for me
+ 2
What do you mean by "I don't see them in any tutorial"? I learnt it in the lesson: https://www.sololearn.com/learning/1033/
+ 2
᠌᠌Brains[Abidemi] thanks now I got it