How to provide default value for *args and **kwargs? (Python)
11 Answers
+ 4
def f(*li,**di):
li = li or [1,2]
di = di or {"a":5,"b":6}
+ 3
There isn't a default value, can you try explaining what you mean?
+ 2
*args is for an iterable and *kwargs is for a dictionary
+ 2
No, just add the defaults in before hand. The point of *args and *kwargs is to handle a changable amount of values. If you have set values it defeats the purpose.
+ 1
I Think You Mean To Say Values.....
Values Are Used As:
def function(arg1, arg2, arg3):
# Code...
This Function Will Only Allow 3 Arguments Not More Than That Nor Less Than That...
+ 1
Slick Like this..
def my_func(y=7, *args, **kwargs):
my_func () # 7
my_func (10) # 10
#But how to do same with *args and **args?
+ 1
Arsalan interesting!
+ 1
Shubham Bhatia ,
The Answer You POSTED Is Actually A Python Program...
C Doesn't Use def To Create A Function!
Slick Yes but can't I provide it a default iterable for *args and default keywords for **kwargs same way I did with formal parameter?
Slick Okay Thank you!
- 3
def function(arg1, arg2, arg3) :
#Python Coding
#AngularJS developer.
This is C language Program. 💯