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sololearn says html allows at most 6 hex digits. I check from some image editor , try to use some favorite colors. But the codes are 7 hex digits. Are they good in html?
eg. a strawberry red is FFF4124A. a navy blue is FF5375F4.
6 Answers
+ 3
It's the CSS that's responsible for styling and NOT HTML
CSS supports following format :
Hexadecimal colors
RGB colors
RGBA colors
HSL colors
HSLA colors
Colors specified with: rgba(red, green, blue, alpha). The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque)
Ur color picker tool is picking colors in RGBA or ARGB color, set it to pick in Hex Color format
+ 2
#FFF4124A this is colors format used in Android . First two FF(Alpha) and rest is Hex code 4124A
Hex code = #0000FF (blue) Values takes 00-FF
RGB = rgb(0,0,255) blue 0-255
RGBA = rgba(0,0,255,0.5) blue color with 50% opacity Alpha takes 0.0-1.0
+ 1
hmm that's weird, because it is true that there can only be 6 digits in hex colors, the colors you have written may not be hex, because the "#" is missing in front, there are several other ways to "programm" colors like rgb,...
+ 1
What image editor was that? And if hex codes cover millions of colors why would you need more digits?
+ 1
25062019 to Hitest and all:
- yes, it's css style in html codes; in most of my html styling, I use hex digits plus opacity;
- in my question, years ago, I picked colors from 'text editor'. It gave the said 7 digits. Might be hex format plus opacity in the front. I had tried switching the front char, 0 to F.
- So it was hex format alright. Still doubt if html can take 7 digits? perhaps not.
@K.R Hitesh
They are called html colors.. not that html is doing the styling. And how is FFF4124A an rgba color. The alpha channel is an opacity channel, not really a color. And there are no letters in rgb colors.