Please How can i solve 28 code project and 17 code project
4 Answers
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Nanpon Nansel the SQL projects 17 and 28 are worth 50 XP and 100 XP, respectively, so they are challenging to solve. Here are some tips, but if you want specific help then show what you have tried.
Project 17, Apartments - requires a subquery that first calculates Avg(price) before you can compare the prices. Also be certain to use exact match of uppercase/lowercase in string comparison.
Project 28, Zoo - first write an INSERT statement (end with semicolon). Then add a SELECT statement. The SELECT requires an INNER JOIN between Animals and Countries.
+ 1
Denyefa Idhiarhi the solution is case-sensitive. Enter the values with the same capitalization that the problem statement gives to you.
I don't understand how this possibly didn't work and I am stuck here, could anything be possibly wrong with sololearn possibly there is an error somewhere ?
INSERT INTO Animals(name, type, country_id)
VALUES(‘slim’, ’giraffe’, 1),
SELECT Animal.name, Animal.type, countries.country
FROM Animals
INNER JOIN countries
ON Animals.country_id = countries.id
order by country;