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[SOLVED] if condition
Hi, I’m new to python and I was wondering if there is any thing I can input if someone is underage or doesn’t meet the requirements, how do I stop it from proceeding to the next thing?
27 Answers
+ 3
Im just practicing, but here it is:
1. Name = input(“Give me your name: “)
2. Print(“welcome “ + name)
3. age = int(input(“Please enter a persons age:”))
4. If age > 13: print(‘unlocked’)
+ 2
Ok thank you!
+ 2
▪In LOOPS, you can check a condition and use the "break" statement whenever you need to immediately terminate the loop.
▪If the running SCRIPT/PROGRAM resides in a function, you can use "pass" or "return" (without arguments) to terminate the function altogether.
○ Examples:
# let's say 18+ is a legal adult & anything less is underage ...
---- example 1 ----
def examplefunc(age):
if age < 18:
return # SCRIPT will terminate if age isn't 18+
# or can use pass, but not advised
print('is old enough, continue w/ logic.')
---- example 2 ----
# assume "people" is a group attempting to watch an 18+/R movie @ cinema
people = [ ('Fox', 28), ('Kai', 19), ('rando', 17) ]
for person in people:
name, age = person # unpack
if age < 18:
print('Go home, %s -- underage!' % name)
break # LOOP will terminate due to "rando" being 17 (not 18+)
print('enjoy movie')
+ 2
Sigh. I should learn to read all of the answers before sharing my answers. SMH.
RE: "I want to create something that asks for your name and age, and if you dont pass the age requirement, it stops you."
def example():
requirement = input("ENTER MINIMUM AGE REQUIRED: ")
requirement = int(requirement) # remember that anything submitted to the input function will always be a string by default ... so you must convert it into an integer
name = input("ENTER NAME: ")
age = int(input("ENTER AGE: ")) # taking age & converting it to an integer in a single step
if age < requirement:
print('%s is underage -- terminating' % name)
print('%s is old enough' % name)
print('replace this print statement with code')
Let me know if this helped. ^^
+ 2
RE: "What does it mean to write my code inside the if statement?"
> The code inside of an "if statement" is executed if the condition being checked returns True. By "the code inside of an if statement" -- the executed code (of a True if conditional) can be found nested under the condition being checked ... and you'll notice that it's all indented (usually via the use of the TAB key on a keyboard). Indentation is very important in Python.
+ 1
RE: "My last question is if they dont meet the sge requirments, is there code to stop them from automatically moving tot he next line?"
> Do you mean something like the following ... ?
# define a list of tuples containing names associated with ages
people = [ ('Fox', 28), ('Austin', 42), ('Tabitha', 16), ('Caleb', 9), ('Kit', 82) ]
# define two empty lists
old_enough = []
underage = []
# Loop through the list of people. If they are underage, append their name to the underage list. If they are an adult (18+), append their name to the old_enough list.
for person in people:
name, age = person # unpack
if age < 18:
print('loop finished')
# Output the results (lists' contents)
print('UNDERAGE: ' + str(underage))
print('ADULTS: ' + str(old_enough))
Yeah, i found a post on it. The code i found was:
if age > 1 and age > 13: print(“Unlocked.”)
else: print (“denied.”)
My question is when i run it, it says both words.
I changed it to not move unless you are over 13, but when i enter and age lower like 5, it skips over it and goes to the next line
Sorry, could you give me an example, I just started coding this week. Thank you!
What does it mean to write my code inside the if statement?
It want to basically create something simple that asks for your name and age, and if you dont pass the age limit, it stops you. I will look at the beginner Python too :)
Im getting an error saying File “<string>”, line 8, in <module>
NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined
Never mind, simple typo, thank you for everything
I hate having to ask too many questions, but after i enter an age like 14 or higher, it terminates the terminal?
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Ok, thank you! My last question is if they dont meet the sge requirments, is there code to stop them from automatically moving tot he next line?
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Even when the conditions arent fulfilled, it moves to the next line?