Are there somebody clever python master?
I do that for my self already but i wana see can i have other way how i looking if somebody other do that tođ A) first implement the boat class. The characteristics of all boats are name and drafts. Also make the main program "Telakka", where you will first create one boat alignment both dynamically and automatically. Notice that the boat class must have a constructor, the get and set functions of the object settings and resetting parameters. B) For the Boat category, implement the subclasses Sailboat and Motorboat. Sailboat features include sail number and club. Motorboat features is engine power. Greate subclass constructors, and get parameters and setunctions. C) Change the main program Dock to create a table in it or list of five boats of each type, ie sailboats and motorboats. Ask the user for the necessary information. Implement the print function you go throught both tables and print all the vessels created with their data on the screen. Sory for my bad english if i dont write allrightđ