Need some help Java, Pair Of Dice
Write a program that rolls a pair of dice until the sum of the number rolled is a specific number. We also want to know the number of times the dice are rolled to get the desired sum. The smallest number or each die is 1 and the larges number is 6. So the smallest sum of the numbers rolled is 2 and the largest sum of the numbers rolled is 12. We use the random number generator, to randomly generate a number between 1 to 6. a. Create a statement that randomly generates a number between 1 to 6 and stores that number into die1, which becomes the number rolled by die1. b. Similarly, create a statement that randomly generates a number between 1 to 6 and stores that number into die2, which becomes the number rolled by die2. c. Next, determine whether sum contains the desired sum of the numbers rolled by the dice. If does not contain the desired sum, then we roll the dice again. (This can be accomplish by using do while loop). d. Create a method named rollDice that takes as a parameter the desired sum of the numbers 0