In how many times does a Beginner can start Competitive Programming?
I recently started to learn C++. I am a fresh new coder and C++ is my 1st language. Can anyone please help me out after learning how much portion of C++ should I start Competitive Programming.
5 Answers
+ 1
To compete with something, you have to know your way around that thing. If this is your first language ever, it'll be a few years.
+ 1
But I will not wait for years bro🙁
+ 1
I will say u can start now. Cp is more about problem solving and developing logic. Try learning the basic searching /sorting techniques and learn what time complexity is . U can head over to any good cp platform preferably codeforces/codechef /atcoder and try solving the lower rated problems. The lower rated problems generally do not require much coding knowledge. So u can get started in ur cp journey right now
+ 1
Also try giving live contests, those are very helpful in realising ur level. As u have started using cpp u can learn stl in cpp (which will let u code more efficiently)