Make a quiz game to users,and at the end write total score of points(1 correct answer equals 1 point then calculate the end)
#my code:(My question is why doesent list score change permennatly when I typed print score+1 ) playing = input("Do you wanna play? ") print(playing) if playing.lower() != "yes": quit() print("Okay let us play ") score = 0 question_1 = input("What does cpu stand for? ") if question_1.lower() == "central proccesing unit": print("Your answer is correct") print(score + int(1)).append() else: print("Your answer is wrong") question_2 = input("What does gpu stand for? ") if question_2.lower() == 'graphics proccesing unit': print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") question_3 = input("What Does Ram stand for? ") if question_3.lower() == "random acces memory": print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") question_4 = input('What does psu stand for? ') if question_4.lower() == "power supply": print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") #implement how many questions users got correct print(score)