+ 8
Just a question...
Hello Learners!! I hv a pity question, Today ,we all have much advanced technology through which we can easily find our answers ... that to related with any topic.. ..but ever noticed. ..!? that Why we the students always asked to learn the things, to grasp it in a gud sense I mean if we hv "google", if we hv "chrome" then why to learn the things, even though we wish we just can search instantly in google ...!!!
33 Answers
+ 13
Knowing WHAT the answer is is different from knowing WHY or HOW it is the answer.
Google is usually good for "what" questions such as what is the syntax for a for-loop in Kotlin? But knowing when, how and why you should use that for-loop is something you can only really get by learning it's functionality is how it's best used through experience.
+ 8
Learning curve is a infinite loop.
Without learning, was it possible to make "google", search engine..?
Same way, is it possible to invent, ex: something like "google+++ " ???? without learning.. Is google is enough for future..? No.
Especially, in IT field, updates are continuous iterations.. there exist 100+ languages exist but still no universal language exist....
Google is a helper, not a solver, I think.
Do you Agree ?
+ 4
How did we learn without Google? We read text books and searched for information and tried to understand what we read.
What is Google? An online library that links to webpages and other media on the web. What are webpages? In essence digitized text books that provide information.
Even though we can find information quicker with a search engine. We still desire the skill needed to find exactly what we are looking for and the mental capacity to understand the information we have found.
Just because info is at our finger tips does not mean we fall short when we find the answers quickly. It usually takes a great deal of brain power to complete the task.
The only time we will fall short is if we are taking a test and use an answer sheet with out explanation.
+ 4
Imam Fauzi Ok I understood Thank you 😊😊
+ 3
Anushka : THE CODER It is because, not anytime we can search something from google, there's a time, which maybe quite often, that we need to do something quickly, we can't just search on Google and found the answer, there's always a lot of things to learn before we can even do one simple thing
+ 2
Billy Brust Ya Thanku for answering
....i hv understood!! ✌
+ 2
Chris Coder thanku ...for explaining me the meaning of "google"too 😅😅✌
+ 2
darkorbit0x01 ya I hv
+ 2
ISHANI Gautam yeah didu ✌I got the point ... what do you want to say ...thanku didu!!
+ 2
ISHANI Gautam no no didu. .i understood that what your words want to convey.....✌🤗🤗
+ 1
Ya.....i think you are right
+ 1
Anushka : THE CODER Strange question but yes, Every school student will get these type of questions in mind..
+ 1
Accha 😅😅
+ 1
Justice Hmm Thanx
+ 1
You will not get every answer you are looking for at any platform
+ 1
Sounds like you are trying to justify learning concepts vs just looking for solutions to problems as they appear in your work.
Learning concepts is better because you also learn WHEN to apply a concept with the HOW to apply a concept.
Also, depending on your situation, you may not be in a position to ask "How do I do X?" into stack overflow every single time you seek a solution.
Also, also, wouldn't you find it more rewarding to find an answer to a problem on your own? You're already taking steps to be smarter , keep going til you're the smartest! 😉
+ 1
pushkar roy Ok Thanku friend!!
+ 1
Yeah right
+ 1
Google is a search engine, a successful powerful tool but a tool, nothing more nothing less. It is also a part of a private profitable company. It'd be unwise to take Google or whatever Internet output as the truth itself.
Young people need to learn how to learn, develop a critical thinking to understand the information they're fed. I know people who are particularly good filtering what they read on Internet because of a previous solid education and I know more people who swallow every search result, tweet or blog post out there mindlessly.
+ 1
Alejandro M. González Yeah right. ...