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Quick question
Why computers always choose True over false? Example True or False= the answer is True, why?
6 Answers
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Because binary.
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It is a logic operation ... It is hard to explain it but i will give u a small example which may make u understand 🌟:
Imagine that uare doing an exam composed of two parts ... And in order to succeed you do at least one part right... That is mean : if one part is right and the other part is wrong you will succeed ..and if the two parts are right you will also succed ..the same thing concerned about "or" ... to get true ...you need to have true one time at least ..that's why true or false is true 💙
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You can evaluate a lot of things true or false.. In fact everything is going to return a true or a false to some degree. If returns true, proceed, if false do something else. Its a the foundation of logic.
+ 1
Thank yall, appreciation.
I need explanation bro, if you can. Thank you.
'or' is a logical operater.
Logical or means it will check the given 2 condition at a time.
If any one of them is true. It will return/choose true.
If both of them are false then return/choose false.
If both the conditions are true then return true.