+ 6
When is the best time to ask questions on soloLearn (please also mention your timezone)?
"Best" means here: - when you get the most engaged people around - when you get the most (high quality) answers - when you get the most upvotes
7 Answers
+ 13
Idk if it depends on the time... There are learners all over the world, but most of them from India.
I think it depends on how interesting/funny/well described your question is.
+ 12
At GMT +5:30, i.e. India...the best is the time of dawn! when the clock shows 6:30 pm:D
I always remain active at that time...I get the most fascinating questions/answers from the most fascinating sololearners.😄
edit -- BTW congrats for your QOTD!
+ 12
Just a heads up btw. There are people on the hunt for candidate QOTDs. So if your title is descriptive and concise, your tags are correct, your question is beneficial, you get great, active people on your thread, chances are high that it will be featured. It doesn't matter if your thread is on trending or not. HappyLearning!
+ 9
whenever Tashi is on :)
+ 9
@Than Le This ^^
Question of the day (qotd) means that SoloLearn features you on the home tab of the app. Congrats!
+ 4
what is "QOTD"? question of the day? this question?
+ 2
GMT +5:30 (INDIA)